2024 Grants Challenge

Everyday safety, anywhere you go

Idea by JHY Ventures

"Anjl" is a community safety app aimed at empowering women and minority groups with tools and resources to navigate daily life with a peace of mind. Users will be able to proactively identify safe locations, call a person nearby to keep them company while they walk, and plan safe routes in unfamiliar areas. Anjl aims to address safety challenges and foster a sense of security in public spaces.

What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Community safety

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Pilot or new project, program, or initiative (testing or implementing a new idea)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

We believe that safety should be a fundamental right and not a privilege. Sometimes, walking one block in the wrong direction can be detrimental. The problem is that women and minority groups constantly fear for their safety while trying to go about their lives, from going for a walk, to taking the metro, to going on a date. As an Asian woman, when I am walking by myself, I am constantly on alert of my surroundings and this is mentally very draining with little resources to help me. To highlight the difference, 82% of women have concerns about safety while dating, compared to 48% of men. Surveys done by LA Metro states that women are increasingly concerned for their safety in public space. This environment of fear affects our psychological well-being, limiting our freedom and quality of life.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

The key feature of Anjl is the ability to call someone nearby to be your walking buddy. This will provide support to the person walking alone and alert authorities if needed. To build up a network of people using the app, Anjl will first focus on giving women the resource to know where there are safe places nearby through a map directory through partnering with local businesses. There will also be the ability to report incidents and a button to quickly contact someone in an emergency. By collaborating with the City of LA through LA2050, we hope to help people connect through neighborhood watch groups and create online communities in your neighborhood. Finally, at the launch of Anjl, we want to partner with local businesses and summer events around the city to organize fun community events and safe meetups to help people feel connected and secure.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

Unfortunately, even with the increase of police around public transportation area, they can’t be everywhere at once, but Anjl can be, right on your phone. Women, minorities, elderly, and even tourists, would be able to navigate LA with a peace of mind. We aim to launch the initial Anjl app in June of 2025, with hopes of partnering with local businesses and summer events to promote Anjl and safety around the City of LA. By Oct 2025, we will focus on building out phase 2 features of Anjl with the feedback of proactive users on the app, to further transform Los Angeles into a safer and more connected community, with the mission of providing women safety resources they’re currently lacking.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Anjl is currently in early stages, conducting user surveys to identify key areas of focus for the app's development. So far, we've seen strong interest for public transportation, highlighting the importance of partnering with LA Metro.
We will set up the app to gather data to further support safety in the city of LA:
Safety Data: Collecting data on safety spots will help us understand where interventions are most needed and track improvements
Increased Public Transportation Usage: By encouraging safer public transportation options, we expect to see an increase in ridership.
User Adoption Rates: The number of users actively using the app will be a direct measure of its popularity and effectiveness.
Community Feedback and Engagement: Regular engagement in the forum will provide insights into the app's impact on community safety.
Local Business participation: Increase number of local businesses added to map directory

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 200,000.0

Indirect Impact: 0.0