2024 Grants Challenge

Active Outdoors

The Active Outdoors program will provide no-cost, family-friendly electric bike rentals, guided community bike rides, and public transit adventures to San Gabriel Valley residents.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Green space, park access, and trees

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

The SGV is an inland region bisected by several of the busiest highways in the United States, including the 10, 60, 605, and 210 freeways, which carry substantial traffic from Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. Exposed to heavy truck traffic and hemmed in by the San Gabriel Mountains, residents have long suffered from some of the worst air quality and hottest weather in Los Angeles County, problems that continue to worsen. After decades of steady improvements, air quality in the SGV has declined over the past ten years, with climate change further exacerbating existing air pollution. Nearly a third of all census tracts in the San Gabriel Valley (SGV) are among the 25% most disadvantaged in California, per CalEPA’s CalEnviroScreen 4.0 mapping tool for measuring pollution burden and disadvantage. Nearly 20% are ranked among the Top 5% most disadvantaged in CA. The San Gabriel Valley's car-centric design has contributed to poor health outcomes for its residents.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

The Active Outdoors program aims to address multiple needs, provide more physical activity opportunities, mitigate access challenges via free electric bike rentals, and educate and encourage people to use active transportation in the future for environmental stewardship. The following strategies are proposed to help promote access to coastal and open spaces: Mobility Hub Pop-Ups: At multiple parks, interested folks will be able to rent an electric bike at no cost to ride up and down the San Gabriel or Rio Hondo Rivers or around their neighborhood. ActiveSGV will provide a class 1 electric bike, instructions on how to use the ebike, and a one-page document with information about the Emerald Necklace. Community Bike Rides: ActiveSGV will provide guided, family-friendly bike tours in the community. Select participants will be provided with an electric bike and be toured around community areas that serve as environmental and nature-based learning opportunities. Public Transportation Adventures: ActiveSGV will take participants to coastal areas such as San Clemente, Santa Monica, or Long Beach, utilizing public transportation for a fun day at the coast. ActiveSGV will coordinate logistics and cover all costs associated with the day of the trip to the beach. ActiveSGV will educate participants on public transportation as an environmentally friendly means of travel, encouraging participants to use public transportation in the future as a means of environmental stewardship.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

Despite the numerous environmental stressors posed to the San Gabriel Valley community, several surrounding natural resources can provide residents with outdoor and recreational opportunities. The San Gabriel Valley is home to the San Gabriel Mountains, Rio Hondo, and San Gabriel Rivers, two bicycle superhighways connecting people from the mountains to the sea. Unfortunately, the community is mainly unable to access these natural resources and their accompanying recreational opportunities because of social and economic barriers. The San Gabriel Valley would be a much healthier and more vibrant region if it prioritized bikeable, walkable, and public transit infrastructure. Fewer cars on the road would improve air quality, resulting in fewer respiratory problems and a healthier environment. Our vision for success would be to create multiple mobility hubs throughout the San Gabriel Valley, connecting people to places, parks, and opportunities via active transportation.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Key program deliverables include:
6 mobility hub pop-ups where folks are provided free electric bike rentals at local SGV parks. 6 Guided community bike rides. Each ride will incorporate a theme and specific education about the environment, parks, open spaces, watersheds, biodiversity, and/or other environmental justice issues. 3 Public transit adventures, guided tours with food to coastal communities. Program goals include:
Provide a minimum of 400 project area residents the ability to access local parks and greenways.
Lead at least 120 project area residents on a guided, family-friendly, educational public transportation adventure to the coast. Program objectives include:
Increase public awareness of parks along the Emerald Necklace and regional greenway network.
Increase public awareness of electric bikes as a means of gaining access to local park facilities. Educate participants on public transportation as an environmentally friendly means of travel

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 540.0

Indirect Impact: 1,620.0