2024 Grants Challenge

Authentic Connections: Empowering Older Adults to Combat Isolation

Authentic Connections will empower older adults to create their own support networks through relationships made at regular gatherings over shared experiences and interests. Older adult organizers will create and facilitate outings, discussion groups, and explorations of shared interests, with the support of fellow volunteers and Pasadena Village staff. Empowering older adults, especially those who are LGBTQ+, lower income, or differently abled, to pursue outings, interests, and connections that they value, will enrich the entire community.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Social support networks

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

In 2023, 1 in 3 older adults reported feeling isolated from others. One of the 2023-2028 Pasadena Community Health Improvement Plan’s objectives is to decrease the percentage of older adults who screen positive for social isolation. The US Surgeon General echoes this focus in its 2023 Advisory: The Healing Effects of Social Connection. It states that the “highest rates of social isolation are found among older adults,” and that “social connection increases the odds of survival by 50%.” Valerie Jones, who volunteers with Pasadena Village, stated “The Village provides me with a dispersed neighborhood of friends and acquaintances that are in my age range and thus can relate to me on various levels. Rather than have an organization provide opportunities for me as if I were a cross between a child and 'an old lady' that had to be looked after or told what to do and how to do it, we are the organization. We are adults creating our own opportunities.”

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

Authentic Connections is an expansion of current group gatherings led by older adults. Community is built in small groups, ideally 6 to 20 individuals, who meet regularly over a shared interest. This program will engage more older adults to create, plan, and execute new group gatherings, giving them purpose and agency. Empowering older adults, especially those who are LGBTQ+, lower income, or differently abled, to pursue outings, interests, and connections that they value, will enrich the entire community. Pasadena Village’s staff will offer the support for adults to turn ideas into scheduled gatherings, through culturally-competent training, an easy registration process, coordination with venues and guests, carpooling, and troubleshooting. This allows the organizer to focus on the topic, outing, or facilitation of the group, and on developing relationships with fellow participants who share the same interests. Older adults have expressed interest in creating support groups, curating art exhibitions, attending lectures and performances together, connecting with students, discussing LGBTQ+ literature, and celebrating holidays. They will build their own systems of support through relationships made at these gatherings. In addition the Care Team (made up of older adult volunteers who are nurses, social workers, and other caring professionals) will offer additional resource connections and reach out during times of loss, transition, or other challenges related to aging.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

In the long term, Los Angeles will be transformed through an increase in the overall health of the aging population, a reduction of ageism and ableism, and lower rates of senior fraud, abuse, and suicide. We aim to grow a community of mutual support so older adults can continue to age with grace, purpose, and self-determination. These new gatherings will allow older adults to create friendships and support systems that they can rely on. Combating isolation improves health outcomes and reduces instances of senior fraud and abuse while keeping older adults in the community that they love, patronizing businesses, volunteering with organizations, and engaging in community activism. The short term goal is to provide an inclusive and adaptive infrastructure for older adults to create 15+ new regular group gatherings and 30+ additional free programs. By engaging and training a diverse group of 100+ older volunteer leaders, they will offer support and resources to 1,000+ fellow older adults.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Older adult organizers monitor attendance and work with Pasadena Village staff to evaluate gatherings via verbal and written feedback. The program is evaluated based on older adult engagement, and the relationships that are built from regular connections over shared interests. In the Fall 2023 program survey, 54% of active participants responded, and 79% indicated they have “found connections with peers through Pasadena Village.” Volunteer Barbara Madden stated “that the necessity of working together to create and maintain the Village creates the opportunity to know new people and to develop friendships.” Success for the expansion of this program will be measured through the increase in opportunities for older adults to create strong connections with each other and the quantity and depth of those relationships.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 275.0

Indirect Impact: 1,200.0