2024 Grants Challenge

Building a Supportive Community for LA Dads

Fathering Together’s LA Dads Group invites everyone who identifies as a dad to join our supportive communities, which are enriched with resources, activities, and calls to action. Our community leaders provide resources to fight against loneliness and isolation and strategies to deepen connections to our partners and children and build a more gender equitable society where dads are seen as caring and capable parents.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Social support networks

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Until the early 1990s, society told dads to be financial providers and leave family work to moms. Since then, there’s been a 70% increase in dads choosing to stay home with 17% of stay-at-home parents identifying as dads
Despite this, many children still grow up with dads physically or emotionally unavailable. Multiple studies have shown the positive impact a dad’s presence has on their children and themselves. According to Equimundo’s 2023 State of Fatherhood report, men who take greater emotional care of themselves are more likely to report that they care for others. Yet recent studies highlighted in Psychology Today point to men often lacking intimate friendships with peers outside of their marriage which leads to loneliness that is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Previous generations have failed to model healthy strategies.
Through our LA Dads Group, dads learn strategies to express their emotions, improve mental health, and build healthy relationships.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

To ensure dads have the skills to actively engage with their families and communities, our project will have two primary strategies.
The first is to recruit additional members and a leadership team to provide support throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Funds will be used to advertise and survey the needs of members to insure our local coordinators provide necessary support.
The second is to develop a three-tiered engagement plan.
Dads & Kids: Coordinators will arrange group playdates for dads to connect and socialize with one another and their kids. Skill building workshops often accompany these playdates with friendly competitions around diaper changes and detangling and styling hair. Dads: Coordinators will host “Dads’ Night Out” to provide space for dads to share stories, get comfortable with vulnerability and build their confidence in their role as dad.
Dads & Society: Coordinators will host workshops to develop better communication skills, and how to advocate for their children and dismantle patriarchal structures around issues of racial and gender equity.
Local coordinators receive training and support from FT’s central office with facilitation guides and other resources to address needs in their community. With multiple city programs across the country, local coordinators meet regularly to process challenges they face and learn promising practices to increase program attendance and sustain a supportive community.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

If our work is successful, there will be near- and long-term impact.
Near-Term Impact:
LA Dads Group will expand from 1500 members to over 5000, organized into subgroups and neighborhoods.
Dads will increase their involvement in their child’s education and personal growth through attendance at school functions and medical visits.
Long Term Impact
Schools will have an increase in dad representation on PTA/PTO councils and improved mental health amongst children due to their dad’s involvement.
The national Dad Caucus will establish a local chapter to ensure parental leave is provided to all parents.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

This is an early-stage project, but measurements have been developed through pilot projects in other communities. To track the goals and program growth, LA Dads group will use surveys, focus groups, and interviews to gain feedback and direction from its members.
The following three outcomes will be the primary measures for program success. As a result of participating in LA Dad Group,
Dads will articulate increased confidence in applying newfound skills.
Dads will increase volunteer time and school engagement at their child’s school.
Dads will increase their time advocating for systemic change through visits with their local and state representatives.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 1,500.0

Indirect Impact: 3,000.0