2024 Grants Challenge

Claiming Beach Culture in California Oceanfront Access

Culture Club South Bay Youth Engagement Camps offer students, ages 8-13, a FREE beach camp experience which includes surf lessons, beach volleyball clinics, arts, social emotional learning activities, and conservancy opportunities. During four consecutive Saturdays in the spring and fall, 200 program attendees meet at the historic Bruce's Beach for a completely volunteer led camp. Additional educational programming includes the history of Bruce’s Beach, art focused on empowerment, ocean awareness and stewardship, and cultural lunch experiences.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Green space, park access, and trees

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

The marginalized communities neighboring the South Bay lack open access to health and recreational resources despite their proximity to outdoor spaces such as the oceanfront and beach sports. Access is often blocked by social and financial barriers as well as a lack of representation from these communities. This in turn impacts confidence that enjoyment of the oceanfront areas and sports are accessible to everyone who is interested to partake in what this outdoor experiences have to offer. Securing access includes acquiring permits for parking as we have learned parking is another blockage to gaining beach access. As proponents of diversity we want to educate the community on what the beach SHOULD be like, what it CAN look like and hopefully, what it will continue to LOOK like. By way of expansion we hope to continue to transform the minds of the community, thus breaking gatekeeping barriers by providing the access, opening peoples eyes and normalizing diverse recreation at the beach

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

Over the last 4 years, our program has followed a learn through play philosophy. Participants ages 8-13 are grouped into three cohorts that rotate through three program sections: surf lessons, beach volleyball clinics and arts, Bruce’s Beach history and ocean conservancy lessons. The goal of the program is to facilitate access to beach sports, and the cultural history of the beach cities (particularly the historic Bruce’s Beach) in an effort to build a sense of safety, belonging and confidence in our students from underserved communities. Additionally, we strive to create a stronger sense of inclusion, diversity and entitlement at our South Santa Monica Bay beaches and minimize the socio-economic obstacles that stand in the way of many families in the surrounding communities for considering beach enjoyment activities. Our volunteers and program participants come from a diverse set of backgrounds and life experiences, each with valuable perspectives to share with each other. Connection is a key component of mental health, and our camp experiences provide the space for children from diverse backgrounds to find points of connection and belonging while they build their skills and confidence through sports and other educational experiences. Our goal is to expand the program to Redondo and Hermosa Beach cities in the 2025 camp season, increasing our outreach to 5000+ families and extend our student participation to 600 each year, a 200% increase of impact.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

In broadening our free camp to neighboring Redondo and Hermosa city beaches, CCSB’s success' will directly link to the success and uplifting of students and families in Los Angeles County. Growing the program to three-times its existing participants will engage more students from even more cities. We will be able to create more continuity by allowing students to attend more than one camp season. Sports and recreation are integral to the physical and mental health of our citizens, and by promoting healthy habits, high self-esteem and enjoyment of new socio-cultural-educational experiences our program has the potential to change the life trajectory of many youth for the better. We emphasize respect for the environment, a strong sense of self and a commitment to serving our multi-ethnic community. Early intervention services benefit diverse communities in one of the most multi-ethnic U.S. counties, Los Angeles County, which stands to benefit from CCSB's increased community engagement.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Each student and volunteer is given a survey at the close of camp in an effort to track CCSB's program impact, and find areas of strength, growth and those needing improvement. Questionnaires track satisfaction with the program as well as any continued activities or interest in the sports and other experiences we introduce to students. Tracking interest in the camp program, both in volunteers and sponsors, is another way we determine our reach and success.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 1,200.0

Indirect Impact: 4,800.0