2024 Grants Challenge

Connecting Students to Nature Through School Gardens

Chicas Verdes will transform DaVinci Connect TK-8 School into a dynamic living laboratory with an edible garden and two native gardens. Our innovative garden programming will immerse students in hands-on learning, fostering a deep connection to nature and promoting holistic well-being. Students will learn sustainable food cultivation, cooking with garden produce, and balanced nutrition. Our curriculum covers ecology, environmental justice, climate change, and leadership, empowering students to drive positive community change.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Green space, park access, and trees

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Access to nature is crucial for physical and mental health. However, in lower-income regions of Los Angeles, many students lack access to safe green spaces. This deprivation limits recreational opportunities and denies the educational benefits of interacting with nature, contributing to higher obesity rates, mental health issues, and academic challenges, thus exacerbating socio-economic disparities. Additionally, limited access to fresh, nutritious food further impacts students' health and ability to learn. The combination of insufficient green spaces and inadequate access to healthy food perpetuates a cycle of poor health and educational outcomes.
While teaching in South Central, our founder saw these issues impacting her students' ability to focus. They reported headaches, stomachaches, and stress that made learning difficult. Determined to address these barriers, she revitalized an abandoned school garden to grow food, create a space for play, and foster a connection to nature.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

Chicas Verdes offers an innovative solution to the lack of green spaces and healthy food access in lower-income areas of Los Angeles. With the support of LA2050, we will establish an edible garden and two native gardens at DaVinci Connect TK-8 School. These vibrant green spaces will host recess programming, providing students with a much-needed connection to nature.
Our curriculum fosters self-discovery, engagement with nature, and community awareness through a cycle of learning, application, and connection.
Self-Discovery: The program begins with team-building activities focused on "play and joy." By working and playing together in nature, students develop social and emotional skills while learning about nutrition, self-care, and positive human interactions.
Garden and Nature: Next, students engage directly with the garden, learning about agriculture, horticulture, and ecosystems. This hands-on experience allows them to appreciate the beauty and power of nature while gaining practical knowledge about food cultivation.
Community and Society: In the final phase, students explore environmental justice issues. They develop leadership and entrepreneurship skills and study their communities to implement solutions to the problems they identify.
By integrating nature-based education with practical skills and community involvement, Chicas Verdes empowers students to overcome socio-economic barriers, fostering healthier, more engaged, and environmentally conscious individuals.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

Over the next year, we will create three green spaces we will use to teach students how to grow and cook fresh produce, build a connection to nature, and cultivate a sense of joy and community.
Over the long term this will create a healthier community with better nutrition and lower obesity rates, fostering a generation of healthier people. Students will become environmental stewards with a deep appreciation for the environment, leading to more sustainable practices at home and in their communities. Students will be empowered with leadership and entrepreneurship skills to effect positive change in their communities, addressing food access and environmental justice. A stronger community will be developed through the unity and social responsibility that results from working together in nature. This new school site will further demonstrate the impact of Chicas Verdes programming and help us reach our goal of expanding to 20 sites by 2030 as we work towards building a national program.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

23-24 Manual Arts High School Survey Data - self report
2379 student hours 24% increase in understanding healthy diets
31% rise in volunteerism
37% improvement in gardening knowledge
26% increase in safe outdoor space access
43% boost in event management knowledge
28% increase in feeling supported
All students feel respected, trusted, and belong at Chicas Verdes
23-24 93rd St. Elementary Survey Data - self report
1430 student hours 74% tried new fruits or vegetables
75% learned new gardening skills
64% had never gardened before, 52% never played in dirt
Community Impact: 2017-24
1.6 million pounds of produce
1806 items of clothing
30 health and sustainability workshops for community members Student testimonials
“Chicas Verdes makes me feel like I’m wanted somewhere. I’m not alone and I’m enough for being who I am”
“Chicas Verdes has impacted my life and worldview in many ways. It has taught me that if I truly believe in something, like making a change, it can actually happen.”

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 900.0

Indirect Impact: 3,600.0