2024 Grants Challenge

Inclusion at Morrison Park Playground

I'd like to introduce you to Skylar Goldman. Skylar is 7 years old and lives in Agoura Hills. Skylar's birth was traumatic and as a result, he suffers from cerebral palsy, epilepsy and feeds via a g-tube in his abdomen. Skylar's life has been challenging from day one. He struggles with mobility, balance and coordination. Most playgrounds are not suitable for children with disabilities like Skylar. The grant monies received from LA2050 will go towards building an inclusive playground designed for ALL in Skylar's hometown.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Green space, park access, and trees

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Pilot or new project, program, or initiative (testing or implementing a new idea)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Most playgrounds are designed for typical children and typical families. Typical playgrounds are great however they don't check all boxes. Unfortunately, there's and underserved population in our society that often times is forgotten about- the disabled. All kids deserve the opprotunity to play within the community they live in. Why can't all cities and communities have playgrounds designed for all children? There's a serious play space inequality in Los Angeles County and it's our goal to change that. We need build more play spaces that spark joy and foster a sense of belonging for the kids who are often denied opportunities to thrive. Playing is the essence of childhood and is a critical developmental need that provides countless physical, social, and mental health benefits. Let's provide greater access to our parks and playgrounds! We can make LA more accessible, one inclusive playground at a time.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

Most playgrounds are not suitable for children with disabilities. There are no playgrounds in Agoura Hills, which includes schools and parks, that are accessible for disabled children. We have chosen the playground site at Morrison Park to redevelop into an inclusive play space. The new Morrison Park Playground has been designed with special needs children in mind. First step is to remove the existing wood chips and old play equipment. New state of the art equipment will be installed in addition to poured in place rubber flooring surface. This stable flooring surface is 100% accessible for people of all abilities. Children in wheelchairs and others with mobility challenges will be able to play and interact with their peers. Living with a disability at any age is a daily struggle. Our goal is to remove the barriers and create a special place for all families, a judgement free zone where everyone is welcome. This new playground will positively impact thousands of families for years to come. Our goal is to level the playing field so all families feel comfortable visiting this unique play space. Inclusion means everyone. Everyone is invited to play, everyone can access the playground and everyone can have a good time. This new playground can help end play space inequality for good.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

This new and inclusive playground will promote kindness and camaraderie, something our society needs now more than ever. There's so much hate in the world right now. This playground can provide so many teaching/ learning opportunities when children see others that look different. There are thousands of disabled children within a 20 mile radius from our playground site. This new inclusive play space will become a special meeting place for these families. This playground will allow special needs and typical children the opportunity to grow and develop. There are numerous benefits of an inclusive playground including encouraging friendships between different groups of children, promoting awareness and acceptance of diversity, supporting cognitive, emotional, physical and social development. This new playground provides meaningful play opportunities for everyone. Everyone is welcomed and accepted at the new Morrison Park Playground.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Research shows that inclusive play stimulates growth and development in children of all ages. We define and measure success by creating more inclusive play spaces in our community. Every child deserves the opportunity to play regardless of their ability. Our vision is to foster a bias-free world for children with disabilities. Our mission is to create play, dignity and social equity for children with disabilities through inclusive playgrounds that unite children of all abilities. If you build it, they will come...

Describe the role of collaborating organizations on this project.

The Westlake Village Rotary Foundation has a signed MOU agreement with the city of Agoura Hills that gives us the ability to fundraise and construct a new playground on the current playground site at Morrison Park. The city of Agoura Hills (our partner) assisted with fundraising, will maintain the site in addition to repaving the parking lot, providing greater handicap parking access and widening the path of travel to the playground from the parking lot. The city of Agoura Hill's budget also allows for the installation of a sidewalk wrapping around the perimeter of the play space providing better access to the equipment. The city has also expressed interest in rehabbing the existing restrooms to make them more accessible to disabled park goers.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 25,000.0

Indirect Impact: 100,000.0