2024 Grants Challenge

Trace Club: L.A. Eco Engage

Idea by Trace Club

This grant will support our nature-based mission, fostering transformative outdoor experiences for all ages. By engaging with the natural world, we cultivate environmental stewardship that can help create a deep connection with nature. Through collective contribution and community involvement, we empower individuals to actively participate in a constructive footprint on society and their personal lives.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Green space, park access, and trees

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Limited engagement in green spaces correlates with higher rates of physical inactivity, obesity, and related health issues such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Los Angeles County’s green spaces are vital for social cohesion and mental health. They provide places for community gatherings, recreation, and relaxation, which are essential for reducing stress and improving overall well-being.
• Studies have shown that access to green spaces can lower stress levels, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improve overall mental health. For example, a 2018 study by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that individuals living in areas with more green spaces had significantly lower levels of depression and anxiety.
Ensuring equitable access to Los Angeles County’s green spaces is a matter of social justice. All communities, regardless of socio-economic status or racial composition, deserve the benefits of green environments.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

This initiative aims to transform neglected urban spaces into thriving green havens through community-driven conservation efforts, aiming to rekindle the human-nature connection through a series of exciting, educational experiences that encourage sustainable living, outdoor education, and community engagement 1. Community Green Space Revitalization: Integrating guerrilla gardening, pop-up educational workshops, and eco-art installations, we will reclaim and revitalize areas often overlooked in city planning.
2. Outdoor Education Programs: Conduct workshops and nature walks to educate residents, particularly youth, on the benefits of green spaces, biodiversity, and sustainable practices, that leave a positive trace through education and understanding our delicate environments. 3. Community Engagement Activities: Organize neighborhood events such as tree-planting days, park clean-ups, and eco-fairs to foster a sense of community and stewardship for the environment.
4. Inclusivity and Fun: Ensure all activities are designed to be fun and engaging, encouraging broad participation and long-term commitment to eco-friendly actions.
Trace Club aims to inspire practical, eco-friendly actions that benefit all generations, fostering a sense of unity and stewardship for the Earth within our diverse society

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

When successful, Trace Club's "L.A. Eco Engage" will inspire residents to participate in environmental activism. Our vision is a county where every resident, regardless of socio-economic background or abilities, has access to and actively engages in green spaces, parks, and gardens.
Community Health and Well-Being: Increased physical activity and improved mental health due to accessible and inviting natural environments.
Environmental Stewardship: Residents develop a deep connection with nature, leading to widespread adoption of sustainable practices.
Social Cohesion: Diverse communities come together in shared green spaces, fostering mutual respect and stronger community bonds.
Immediate Impact:
Engage over 500 residents directly in educational programs and events, with indirect benefits reaching over 5,000 through community ripple effects.
Expand the model to other areas within greater Los Angeles.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

To measure the impact of our "L.A. Eco Engage" program supported by this grant, we will employ both qualitative and quantitative methods:
Participant Surveys: Assess changes in environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors pre- and post-program.
Attendance and Engagement: Track participation rates and levels of involvement in outdoor activities and community events.
Community Feedback: Gather qualitative data through interviews and focus groups to understand perceived benefits and challenges.
Environmental Indicators: Monitor local biodiversity and community green space improvements.
Through these measures, we aim to demonstrate tangible progress in fostering environmental stewardship, enhancing community engagement, and empowering individuals to contribute positively to society. By using this comprehensive evaluation framework, we will ensure that our program not only meets its goals but also provides valuable insights for continuous improvement and long-term sustainability.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 500.0

Indirect Impact: 5,000.0