Non-profit organization with independent 501(c)(3) status

Learning Rights Law Center

Learning Rights Law Center fights to achieve education equity for underserved families in Los Angeles and surrounding counties. We provide free legal representation, advice, advocacy and training to families and communities whose children, as a consequence of disability or discrimination, have been denied equal access to a public education.


3 Submitted Ideas

  • LEARN ·2024 Grants Challenge

    Education Justice and Kinship Caregivers

    This project expands LRLC’s vital work to address education inequity for vulnerable students. The project will empower kinship caregivers to transform the education environment for youth in their care. LRLC will provide Know Your Rights materials, formal trainings, and when necessary, direct legal advocacy to address violations of children’s rights. Education advocacy will help solidify children’s success in the classroom, ensure they receive a fair and equitable education, and prevent adverse outcomes or interactions with the justice system.

  • LEARN ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Future in Their Hands: Educational Empowerment for Foster Youth

    This project will provide know-your-rights workshops and materials to inform foster youth ages 14-17 of their education rights protected by law. The project will also provide direct legal advocacy to address violations of education rights and to secure robust transition plans that prepare them for adulthood. By providing comprehensive information and demonstrating effective enforcement of education rights, the project will empower foster youth to engage in their education with confidence knowing that their future is in their own hands.

  • LEARN ·2022 Grants Challenge

    Protecting Education Rights of Foster Youth

    LRLC will provide special education legal services to foster youth with disabilities who have unmet education needs. The project will ensure they receive educational and mental health services, and will interrupt the school-to-prison pipeline by securing alternatives to disciplinary proceedings and supporting youth ageing out of the foster system and transitioning to post-secondary education. In addition, LRLC will provide trainings to foster parents and advocates to support students’ education beyond their current placement.
