
The RightWay Foundation

The RightWay Foundation helps transition-age foster youth get and keep good jobs despite the overwhelming trauma they have endured throughout their lives. Our vision is that foster and justice system-involved youth have the opportunity to move from pain and disappointment to power and productivity.


5 Submitted Ideas

  • LEARN ·2024 Grants Challenge

    Emergency Housing for Foster Youth and Systems-Impacted Youth

    The RightWay Foundation’s Emergency Housing Initiative will provide immediate housing for emancipated foster and re-entry youth experiencing homelessness. The Initiative will provide gap housing for up to two months as RightWay connects young adults to supportive housing, employment, and therapy to build financial and emotional stability. Through mental health support, job readiness, supportive housing, and community, RightWay’s programs fight to end the pipeline from foster care to homelessness and disrupt the generational cycle of trauma.

  • LEARN ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Ending the foster care to homelessness pipeline.

    The RightWay Foundation disrupts the generational cycle of trauma and poverty for foster youth in LA County. We partner with transition-age foster youth (ages 18-26+, 90% Black, 9% Latina/o/x) to build stable, self-sufficient adulthoods, grounded in mental health treatment and solidified through employment and dedicated housing. Side by side with our youth, we are countering the corrosive effects of the housing crisis and ending the pipeline from foster care to unemployment, homelessness, and incarceration.

  • LIVE ·2022 Grants Challenge

    Housing Transition-Age Foster Youth

    RightWay’s program Operation Housing First disrupts the cycle of generational poverty and trauma for transition-age foster youth. RightWay secures safely-located apartments, signs the master lease, supplies the security deposit, and pays a portion of each month’s rent for one year while helping our clients build financial independence and healthy lives through enrolling them in our intensive programs and services. Housing stability means youth can focus on employment and financial well-being without the stress of searching for stable shelter.

  • LIVE ·2021 Grants Challenge

    Operation Housing First

    The RightWay Foundation is dedicated to ending the cycle of trauma that leads foster youth to unemployment, homelessness, incarceration, and poverty. RightWay’s Operation Housing First houses former foster youth (ages 18-26, 90% Black, 9% Latinx) at risk of homelessness in permanent apartments and provide intensive trauma-informed case management, mental health services, and employment services as they start their careers, process their trauma, and build healthy adulthoods.

  • CREATE ·2020 Grants Challenge

    Operation Emancipation

    The RightWay Foundation does critical preventative work to end the pipeline from foster care to homelessness, unemployment, incarceration, and poverty by providing foster youth with mental health services, job training, community support, and connections to opportunities in the workforce. With the economy fractured due to COVID-19 and rampant homelessness, the need in Los Angeles for employment-focused mental health services for transition-age foster and reentry youth is greater than ever.